Value Of The African Ornaments

Beads are valued and highly treasured here in Africa. They are seen as symbolic items when it comes to the African culture and it comes with a variety of ways in which it could be worn. It is one of the many ornaments that transcend in every African culture giving Africa a sense of identity.

It comes in different colors, types and shapes; there’s the translucent beads, powdered beads, painted glass beads and seed beads and these are a few of the many of beads out there.


The African culture does not just embrace the wearing of the African beads due to its beautification and decoration, instead, there are a lot of significance behind it and one of them is the spiritual impact. Some cultures believe that these beads provides protection against evil spirits and charms.

Also, in most traditional settings, some parents tend to adorn the waist of their new born babies with waist beads if it is a girl, and if it is a boy, it is worn on their wrist. This is done mostly to monitor the health and growth of the child.

Most significantly, the beads are worn to portray the beauty of the African cultural heritage. During festivals in Ghana, prominent people like the Chiefs, sub chiefs and Queen mothers put on these beads with their Kente clothe as they ride on their palanquins. Also during festivities such as the Tortsogbeza festival, Akwasidae, Aboagyere and the Dipo rite. During the Dipo rite, these young ladies are adorned with beads on her waist, neck and even ankles. The type of beads one puts on conveys information to her potential suitor, that is; her clan and the wealth of her family. It is a general belief that the larger the beads the wealthier her family.

Also, as part of the celebration of the Tortsogbeza festival, there is the beauty pageant where young girls are dressed up by the older women with African prints and African ornaments such as the waist beads, sea shells and Duku (head scarf).

Wearing of beads have become part of the fashion trend these days. Most women continue to wear waist beads while others wear it on their wrist and on the neck regardless of their gender.

This makes the Ghanaian culture colorful and a beautiful sight to admire.



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