Bless The World Project

Our initial project focused on capturing portraits of people in the market place here in Accra. My team and I decided to embark on this journey to explore the market take photographs.

Normally, one would hire photographers to take professional pictures of them but in this case, our market men and women do not have the luxury of time to go out there and take flashy pictures to share on social media.

That is why we decided to focus on the beauty of the environment and our beautiful people through portraits. This is just a first step to many more projects that is yet to be worked on. We did not just capture individuals, we captured memorable moments.

The next episode for Bless the world project took place at the Mallam Attah market around NewTown, Accra.

It was quite difficult but this did not stop us from meeting our target and meeting new people as well. We pressed on and finally got interested people who did not see it as a problem for their portraits to be taken.   

It was never a dull moment at the Mallam Attah market.

The goal of the third episode was to give back their images as promised. Luckily, we were able to locate them with the help of others.

The results and the desire for these people to take part in the exercise were mind-blowing and exciting. We met a lot of new people, which we were happy to put a smile on their faces as they received a hardcopy of their images.

We look forward to making more exciting portraits of people in their natural environments. Hope you enjoy the video.  


Adventures of the Aboagyere Festival